Saturday, July 18, 2009

Filipino Folk Song

Filipino Folk Material in 7 Words

Filipino Folk material can be seen as 7 basic life principles: the 7 Words. Identity is first, where the central story can be put most simply as: who am I? As a rule each of us has a need to become much less confused about the things we are trying to achieve. This is true for all and everything, from things that are useful to avoiding tricky and unpleasant emotions. The problem is to be able to get clarity and then to find the solutions to whatever problems we have to deal with. The 7 Words System offers a easy intuitive system that makes it possible for us to achieve a greatly improved awareness of what it is that we are looking for. It kicks off with No. First and foremost we will need to describe faithfully what we do not want what is not useful, before we can know what we do want.

Filipino Folk Material in 7 Words

Second, the quest for knowledge, reaching out beyond the horizons of habit to meet new peop! le, new ideas and new ways to see the world. The following step relates to the word Hello. We will need to open up to new possibilities if we expect to increase our scope of solutions to our predicaments and problems. Is that reasonably logical? To get something different we will need to extend our scope and look where we have not previously looked already. New ideas, new friends, new situations and new things are all parts of giving attention to something we have not previously gone through. It calls us to exchange old for new, that we have something to offer in fair return for what are trying to acquire.

Filipino Folk Material in 7 Words

Then love. Romantic love between woman and man is favourite, yet the importance of family, village, nation and humanity itself also shows acts of kindness. Between all available opportunities, some are more pleasing than others and we give them a higher meaning, because we appreciate them more. This is explained by t! he primary word Thanks. So often, we overlook the significance! of what we have, then blindly move into ingratitude and are likely to assume what should not be assumed.It's more than simply consideration to reveal our appreciation for things we esteem; it has an important consequence in helping us to succeed in attaining our aims. Unconsciously, we are attracted to what we convey our thanks for, and yet it's equally true to say that we are able to draw them to us too. We increase charisma when we say Thanks and therefore, whenever we do this, we effortlessly bring things towards us.

Filipino Folk Material in 7 Words

The Hero’s quest. The brave young man goes forward to take on challenges, either external or internal. The defeating of evil is a metaphor for the battle of light and darkness within one’s own heart. The word Goodbye is the fourth of the 7 primary words and relates to a process that has four phases. They are: realization, decision, completion and moving on. What we are saying goodbye to a particular stage o! f development, which is seen simply as total dismissal of a viable path of action that previously we had been stepping towards and in future will not pursue. It is a turning point in our range of would-be futures.Goodbye is different from No in that it suggests that we have had connection already, which now needs to end compared to No's repudiation in the first place. Authentic decisions cut the past away entirely and that penetrating quality produces an opening of a doorway that otherwise does not materialize.

Filipino Folk Material in 7 Words

Vision Quest. The seeker needs to find answers to deep issues of concern that expand power and wisdom. The future unfolds according to the customs of what has gone before unless we take control of it and bend it to our aspirations. To do this calls for to have a vision of how we want it to be; this vision has to be very clear, exact and positive transformed into intention. They differ don't they - vision and in! tention? The first is rather dreamlike and the second is much ! more dir ected and conscious. For a vision to become real there must be support.Nothing can be done without gaining the benefit of others - this takes competence, most likely persuasion, even stimulation. It is not always crucial to tender something such as money or money's worth.

Filipino Folk Material in 7 Words

Another theme that appears in song, myth and epic is redemption. Each of us, yearns to be released from the pain of guilt and shame, and purified through atonement. Sorry, the 6th primary word, is best seen as making good damage done because we've been insensitive or unmindful to the needs or wants of another. The best strategy is to make sure we forestall the need to say it by being considerate beforehand. Why? Well it's because anyone we upset could easily be inclined to act against us and diminish our chances of accomplishing what we intend, so it is simply more sensible to respect others as well as ourselves. This question is all to do with being ! responsible, having a degree of concern towards someone whom we've upset and making atonement when we've slipped up. Then and only then is it feasible to prevent the likelihood or fix any resentment and release the everlasting nastiness that otherwise would develop and fester.

Filipino Folk Material in 7 Words

The final journey is the quest for the absolute. This can take the form of spiritual ascendancy, seclusion, surrender and death, a final acknowledgement of the unity of all life. The concluding point of our 7 Words model is to do with acceptance; there are instances when we simply have to accept what we cannot change. The word is Yes. It would be lovely wouldn't it if we were able to make the world exactly the way we envision it - but in truth we can't. We always need to tolerate what comes, and to take what is not exactly what we asked for.The best habit is to place reliance on the fact that everything in the end turns around to our advantage, ! that the modifications to our plans are all improvements when ! comprehe nded in the perspective of the longer term. Of course it's not easy to see it when we are still close and attached to our desires of course not! Nevertheless pause a while and you may well see that the serendipitous occurrences, the surprises and setbacks are actually the best bits camouflaged as adversity.

Free Questionnaires and Mini Courses are available on the 7 Words website, interactive fun with the “satisfaction index calculator” at 7 Words Associates


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