Thursday, June 25, 2009

How to Practice a Drum Role

Today I will teach you the basics on how to practice your drum roles, which will also help your hand and eye coordination.

Are you ready! OK now follow me...

Step 1: Sit upright and find a comfortable seating position. With both feet flat on the ground and back strait up. (make sure you have a drum pad or snare).

Step 2: Pick up your drumsticks one on each hand.

Step 3: We will hit the drum snare or a drum pad in the following order.

* Right, Left, Right Right Left, Right, Left, Left over and over again until you get a nice fluid flow.
* The sounding will go from a taping sound, to one fluid sound that sounds like the drum role. Then you can increase the speed or slow it down.

Step 4: The transition, this is where you finally began to experiment on your own the different kinds of drum roles. By changing the variations into beats that come to mind or sounds you have heard before. I will demonstrate what I mean with my electric drum kit the possibilities that exist right within your grasp. It's all just practice, practice, and practice.

Keep Practicing

One of the mayor ways most drummers have become great is by just simply air drumming. For example the drummer from Incubus Jose Pasilla as a young boy played air drums on his thighs by taping the beat he was hearing. Most drummers do this all the time; they tap around to any beat that come to mind or one that they are listening to. It's just a natural responds to what we are feeling at the moment. The real key is to master the snare drum and this alone will make you an amazing drummer.

Next time I will get my self on Camera to show you how it's done, but for now here's a little something to get started!

Author: Salvador Stabler, A studio drummer for the past 10 years. Article Location:

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