Friday, July 31, 2009

Recently submitted articles by Suresh Bist

Most recently submitted articles by by Suresh Bist
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Medicine Ball Exercises for Total Body Workout
by Suresh Bist

Most of us shy away from going to the gym because it means you need around a couple of hours to spare – if you add the commute time as well. Another reason is that we don't want to spend on the membership fee unless we are sure that we are going to be disciplined enough to go regularly to the gym.

This is one of the main reasons our agenda around fitness always gets pushed back. So if you don't have enough spare time to go to the gym or if you are looking for a cost effective way to workout…you need to try out the medicine Ball!

A Medicine ball is versatile and is a cost effective way to keep your body in shape. And the best part is that you can give your body a complete workout by being at home. And it is not that these workouts are meant only for women. They are equally effective for men and can be used for total body workout.

You can workout almost all the major parts of your body. And if you want to further stretch yourself, try combining your ball workouts

... Read the entire article here

Plyometric Exercises for Total Body Workout
by Suresh Bist

Most of us usually do exercises that would either be cardiovascular or something related to building body muscles. Though each of these exercises have their own advantages - Cardiovascular are usually meant for building endurance and weight training is for building muscles, it would be even better if we could combine the benefits of both these forms of exercises.

If you have been regular with your exercise sessions and have been looking out for something to take your fitness to the next level, try out Plyometric exercises. These exercises are the best for those fitness enthusiasts who are looking for both speed as well as strength.

Plyometric exercise is not just about building muscles or muscle mass. It has got elements of cardiovascular exercises as well in it. With Plyometrics exercises, you aim to improve upon your quickness and alertness as well, in addition to body strength.

Plyometrics can be a great alternative to cardiovascular exercises and athletes h

... Read the entire article here

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Differences In Mat Board?Know What You Are Getting

Mat board is one of the components used for framing a picture. Your photograph is mounted in some manner to a mount board, and then the photo mat board is placed on top of it, after which it goes into the frame itself and is protected by the glazing. Framing mat board helps to provide a small air pocket right above the surface of the artwork, so that moisture is less likely to develop inside the frame and damage the surface of the picture. Pre cut mat board also helps to hold the artwork smoothly in place in the frame, so that surface damage from wrinkles is less likely to occur. Mat board also adds a decorative element to your artwork, to set it off and focus the viewer’s eye to the center of the frame. There are three major types of framing mat board that you will commonly find available for purchase, and each has its unique benefits.

? Paper mat board

Paper pre cut mat board is the least expensive option for picture frame matting. It comes in the widest array of colors and makes a great choice for when you want to add a complementary or contrasting color to your framed art. It is made from a wood product, and thus contains acids which can, over time, cause damage to fine artwork through discoloration of the artwork’s surface. If your goal is to find an inexpensive and colorful pre cut mat board for framing artwork short term, then paper can be an effective choice.

? Alpha cellulose and Cotton rag photo mat board

Alpha cellulose and Cotton rag mats are both considered to be types of archival mat board. This means that they are fashioned to be used as photo mat board for the conservation of your fine artwork, and are appropriate for long-term use.

One of the reasons why Alpha cellulose and Cotton rag mats are considered archival mat board is that they are acid free. One of the finest Alpha cellulose mats is Bainbridge mat board. It is treated with a special Artcare system, which allows the Bainbridge mat board to protect your fine art from airborne pollution as well as acid byproducts. It is designed to help reduce yellowing and fading of the artwork’s surface, and comes ground wood and lignin-free. The Bainbridge mat board will also not fade or bleed onto your artwork’s surface. The Alpha cellulose mats are moderately priced, while the Cotton rag mats are typically the most expensive. They are, however, thicker than the other types of matting, and the core color is the same as the mat color, making for a nicer finished inner edge.

Quality matting can be found at superior online framing suppliers.

In this article Susan writes about mat board and archival mat board.


What Not to do When Playing Guitar

When guitar players watch each other, usually they try to pick up on all the bad things that they are doing rather than the good things, I'm sure you know what I mean as you have probably found yourself judging another Guitar player just on their mistakes. This is an easy trap to fall into, and most will never realized they even fell into it! What this means is that if you want to impress other Guitar players (Especially good ones) you are going to have to go back and fix all those bad habits you may have created for yourself along the way.

The first and biggest mistake a lot of guitar players make, usually when they first start playing, is to learn a song, and try play it straight away. This usually results in the song sounding sloppy, messy and just plain bad! Whenever you learn a song, do what the pros do! Get a metronome, learn the song at half speed, or even slower! I am sure that you could play anything in the world on guitar at a snails pace! S! o do it, then everyday slowly increase the BPM (Beats Per Minute) on your metronome, next thing you know, you will be playing songs you thought were impossible note for note and completely clean! Nobody wants to see someone try play something they can't so just don't do it.

Another mistake a lot of beginners make is to only use 2 or 3 fingers, usually leaving out their pinky because 'It's too hard'. The only reason it is too hard is because people do not generally use the little finger separately in day to day life so the muscles are not developed enough for your brain to tell it what to do. Get all your fingers moving, even your pinky. Soon you will find that with a little practice is will soon become just as easy to use as any other finger.

Have you ever seen someone play a song, make a mistake, then stop, start again and make the same mistake? This is because they are training them selfs to make mistakes! Whenever you play a ! song, if you make a mistake, whatever you do, do not stop! Thi! s is the worst thing you can do, especially when first learning a song. Even if you make a complete mess of it, try to get the rhythm going and after you finish the song, go from the start. If you stop as soon as you make a mistake it can be very easy to get stuck at that point, and that is when a lot of people put the guitar down and never look at it again. Just because they didn't know they were training them selfs to make mistakes.

Don't jump ahead of your ability. You should know your own ability's on a guitar, what you can play and what you can't. Don't try play something that is far beyond your current level of playing, because you simply wont be able to do it. Instead, build up your skills slowly. I know nobody wants to hear that, but it is the tried and true way to really get good at the guitar.

The main thing you have to remember is that the rock stars you try to emulate have been playing guitar in some cases their whole life! I! t takes a long time to get really good at guitar no matter how you learn. But stick at it, and one day all that work will pay off.


Charlie Wallace is a complete guitar nut, check out his website for a free report on how to play guitar like a pro! -

Guitar Product Scams Revealed! -


Are Radio Stations Doing Enough for Local Music Talent?

Radio stations have often been criticized for playing it too safe where new music is concerned. Quite often, this criticism has been justified. When radio music is listened to critically, it's quickly apparent that examples of new music tend to closely follow the patterns of what's currently popular. Local music is seldom, if ever, featured in preference for national and international celebrities.

Terrestrial radio stations have been subject to stiff competition from streaming music stations lately. This is really not surprising. The streaming stations offer a great deal of new music. Where the stations are closely in contact with their local communities, UK music talent has a much better chance of gaining an international audience, something with which terrestrial radio cannot compete.

Where new music radio stations are concerned, those programs that actually feature local music generally only occupy a short amount of time during the broadcast dayâ€"o! r weekâ€"and are not as heavily advertised as those programs which feature the most popular recording artists.

For musicians operating in a local scene, the potential for getting any help from radio is fairly sparse. Radio has become more and more dominated by fewer and fewer broadcasters and radio music has become more homogenized over the years. UK music talent, which once could rely on programs that featured the latest bands from throughout the isles, now have to compete with international acts who come with all the slick production and marketing that multi-national record labels can afford. Because of the expense of broadcasting, many of the best new music radio stations are to be found on the Internet. Of course, this sort of broadcasting carries with it an increased risk of piracy but the tradeoff might be worth it for some bands.

New music always suffers for having to develop an audience before it is taken seriously by record companies. The comp! anies aren't being evil or scurrilous, they're simply trying t! o sell a product and only have a certain amount of capital to invest. Like any investor, they'd prefer that capital were put toward a venture that will generate revenue for them. New music is always a risk, in that regard. A band may become the next Beatles or the next nobody and there is really no way of knowing.

Radio music has essentially been transformed into a means to advertise music that is already selling well. Those artists that dominate the airwaves generally suffer no lack of publicity and are certainly not restricted to notoriety in only a local music scene. This makes it more difficult for local bands to break into the mainstream, especially if they're playing a particularly innovative form of music that hasn't yet garnered a large following.

Radio stations, as the world moves more toward digital formats, are likely to become less important to the world of music than they have been in the past. As they're converted to be essentially advertising med! iums, whether the advertisements be purchased by sponsors or are in the form of songs by major label's current big sellers, their service to new music and to UK music talent is not likely to increase, barring major shifts in the market.

UK music talent would do well to look for other means of gaining popularity and, if they desire to break into those new music radio venues, they would do well to already have a following before they try. Radio is a medium that tends to increase sales once there are sales to increase, but not one which is particularly good for starting from zero.

Thanks for reading; I am very passionate about forwarding the cause of new music in the uk, developing a selection of talented new bands is the only way to improve our culture. I believe digital marketing is the only way forward for new musical talent in the uk and recommend you check out Ooizit! .com to promote your band.


Music Downloading in the Age after Napster

For the music lovers who simply cannot get their fill of new music, the internet and the technology which allows us to download music was like a great blessing in disguise which fell down from heaven. Suddenly we were able to obtain whatever we wanted, when we wanted. The reality of this practice soon came to us all, that in fact, it was quite illegal.

So when Napster finally fell, there were a few complaints heard for a while and then silence. What could be said? We all knew it wasn’t right, but then again, we just loved getting all that music for free, and nothing can really beat free music and even free music software. The fact is that no one really wants to be a criminal (even if it doesn’t feel like that), and those who were singled out for hefty lawsuits by the music industry are definitely feeling the pain now.

Fortunately, the result of all this is that the music indu! stry babied by high prices it was getting for a single CD came to realize that people were just not willing to pay that much anymore. The new age of music downloading which follows is then one in which although the music is no longer free, you can at least get it for a much cheaper price.

Let’s not forget that although we all feel a certain distaste toward these large corporations who seem to eat up everything in sight, the fact is that those starving musicians out there are the ones who are really hurt when music is taken for free. Think about it. Not only does the average musician have to pay just to use a recording studio, which is more than many can afford, but most of them never reach the top singles charts, and the result of this is that if they’re not getting paid for what they do, then they simply can’t continue doing it.

This means that they can’t make music. The situation may p! erhaps be a bit over-dramatized. Do you ever really believe th! at music ians will stop making music? No way. Think about the old blues musicians who came out of New Orleans in the 1940’s or 50’s, and the fantastic music which came out of Cuba in recent years, immortalized by the Buena Vista Social Club. Do you think they were making huge royalties before being brought to Carnegie Hall? That didn’t stop them from playing.

The point of the matter is that music will live on, even after Napster or the fall of the music industry, even if it means that musicians of the future will be limited to home recording studios or a simple guitar on a street corner.

Perhaps in the end such a fall would be a good thing for music. Indeed, the music industry and high paid musicians could definitely use some re-tuning, as it were, for it has definitely become quite disharmonious with the original purpose of why music was made in the first placeâ€"and no, it wasn’t for the royalti! es.

Download music software and get started with audio mastering right from your home. There is plenty of low priced or free music software available online.


The 9 Basic Guitar Chords That Every Guitar Player Should Know

There are 9 basic guitar chords which beginner guitarists first learn and that all guitar players should know. These guitar chords are also called open position chords because they are played in open position, or in other words, played down by the nut of the guitar utilizing open strings.

These 9 basic guitar chords are so essential that every guitar player should know how to play them, and most do. With these 9 basic guitar chords alone, you will be able to play most if not all the songs you want to learn! When jamming, you will see other guitar players use these exact same chords all the time. Imagine, you as a beginner guitar player hanging with guitarists who have been playing for years. That’s how important these 9 guitar chords are!

The 9 Basic Guitar Chords

The C major chord - Place your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret on the 5th string, your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the 4th string and your 1st finger on the 1st fret on the! 2nd string. The 3rd and 1st strings are to be played open and the 6th string is not to be played.

The G major chord - Place your 2nd finger on the 3rd fret on the 6th string, your 1st finger on the 2nd fret of the 5th string and your 4th finger on the 3rd fret of the 1st string. The 4th, 3rd, and 2nd strings are to be played open.

The D major chord - Place your 1st finger on the 2nd fret on the 3rd string, your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret of the 2nd string and your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret on the 1st string. The 4th string is to be played open while the 5th and 6th strings are not to be played.

The E minor chord â€" Place your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the 5th string and your 3rd finger on the 2nd fret on the 4th string. The 6th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st strings should be played open.

The E major chord â€" Played the same as the E minor chord except the 3rd string is not played open but instead played with your 1st finger on the 1! st fret.

The A minor chord â€" Played the same as t! he E maj or chord except the fingering is moved up one string set. Place your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the 4th string, your 3rd finger on the 2nd fret of the 3rd string and your 1st finger on the 1st fret of the 2nd string.

The A major chord â€" Played the same as the A minor chord except the note on the 2nd strings is moved up one fret and the chord is re-fingered. Place your 1st finger on the 2nd fret on the 4th string, your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret on the 3rd string and your 3rd finger on the 2nd fret on the 2nd string.

The D minor chord â€" Place your 2nd finger on your 2nd fret on the 3rd string, your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret on the 2nd string and your 1st finger on the 1st fret on the 1st string.

The F major chord â€" Place your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret of the 4th string your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret on the 3rd string and your 1st finger on the 1st fret on both the 2nd and 1st strings.

Take your time to learn these 9 basi! c guitar chords. You may find some chords are hard to finger, particularly F major and A major, but with practice they will come. You should find that in no more then a few weeks you will have these chords down solid and be able to move from one chord to the next rather comfortably.

Jonathan Dykerman is a professional guitar player and instructor. For more information on the 9 basic guitar chords please visit This article may be reprinted providing the aforementioned link is included. Copyright 2008.


Christmas Ringtones

Ring Christmas Bells! Cell Phone Ringtones for Christmas

'Tis the season to buy gifts for your family, smell the holly and evergreen, and eat lots of seasonal goodies. If you're in the mood for Christmas, shouldn't your cell phone be in the mood too? You can get some great Christmas ringtones for your cell phone, and get yourself and everyone around you in the mood of the season. Best of all, more and more of the new ringtones are moving toward the realistic true tones, and the ones that aren't true tones are mostly polyphonics. No more tinny "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear" for you!

What's more, if there's a Scrooge on your Christmas list, you can help get him or her in the mood for the season by sending a ringtone to their cell phone. It's one of the latest and greatest way of letting someone know you care about them.

You can get the following types of Christmas ringtones for your cell phone:

Fun songs. You want "Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo" from South Park? You'll find it here. Or maybe you want something unique: how about a techno remix of "The Little Drummer Boy?" Whatever your preference, you can find a perfect Christmas ringtone to express your joy in the season.

Traditional favorites. If your favorite Christmas song is "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas," you're in luck. This and dozens of other traditional Christmas songs can be downloaded to your cell phone as ringtones.

Religious favorites. Your favorite song is "What Child Is This?" You prefer the songs you sang in church as a child to the modern ones that seem to negate the true meaning of Christmas? You can find the songs you remember and love today as ringtones you can put on your cell phone.

Instrumental songs. Because of the limitations still inherent in even the best ringtones, the ones that sound the best are the ones that are primarily instrumental. You can find a fantastic version of "Ave Maria" for your cell phone, or you can find "Ring Christmas Bells" and other old favorites.

International Christmas Music. You want something really different that translates well to a polyphonic ringtone format? Try one of the "Christmas at Bali" ringtones, which translates a Christmas favorite into an Oriental sound, using unusual sounds and blended background noises to make your ringtone the coolest one around. Or you can try "Christmas in Palestine," or "Russian Christmas," depending on what you really like.

You may want something else to go with your ringtones. You can find great wallpapers and screensavers with Christmas themes as well as your ringtone themes. Whether you want St. Nick on your phone, Garfield in Christmas attire, or the soft beauty of a Thomas-Kinkaid-style Christmas landscape, you can find it. Put together the perfect theme, with wallpaper, screensaver, and ringtone, and send it to the ones you love in lieu of a Christmas card.

However you want to use your Christmas ringtones, they're there for you. Celebrate Christmas in style with the best ringtones on your phone.

Philip Nicosia is the webmaster of, a site specialising in the different genres of ringtones, including polyphonic ringtones, true tones and mp3 ringtones.


Buying GOOD Beats Online

There's a lot of garbage out there, and hopefully by the time you're done reading this you'll understand what to look and listen for in your online quest for instrumentals--so that your next project won't sound like it just crawled out of the gutter.

When buying beats online, (for those of you who don't know) there's a few terms you should understand.

Exclusive License: When buying exclusive beats, you are purchasing the full rights to the beat, it's like buying a one of a kind piece of clothing--you are the only one who owns it, and you are the only one allowed to put yourself in or on it. The only difference is that (usually), if you're sick of a beat you purchased the rights to, you can't just go and resell it to someone else. Double check with your producer's terms of service, but in most cases it is prohibited to resell beats without lyrical tracks.

Non-Exclusive Licensing (Leasing): Buying a non-exclusive beat typic! ally allows you to use the beat just as if you were the sole owner, except you're not. Anyone is free to buy it. In some cases, the producer will set a limit on the number of copies that can be sold or produced of your final product when leasing a beat, but this varies from site to site. Again, double check with your site's terms of service. I know of a good site that has no copy limit that I'll discuss later in my recommendations.

With this knowledge, you can at least fend for yourself a little bit out there in the jumble of search engines. But I'll save you some more time...

Know what you're buying! If you're going to buy a beat you should at least know how long it is, right? Most sites will give you a small clip with some voice over to make sure that you don't steal it, but make sure they tell you the duration of the actual product! Other aspects are not AS important, but are still helpful to know before putting all your money into a song you kn! ow nothing about... e.g. tempo, style, etc...

It'! s hard t o judge what kind of customer service you'll have if you have any concerns about a beat you like. I've dealt with all sorts of sites, some of which have never so much as answered my e-mails. Others have GREAT customer service. Before buying a beat, try and contact the website owner (or producer) to get a feel for how they might respond to problems you run into.

Might last piece of advice for you is this: stay away from the GIANT sites with thousands of producers and thousands more beats--you'll spend so much time digging through crap producers, because ANYONE can sign up and sell beats on these sites. Even if you find a decent beat or producer you like on these sites, they might not even have an e-mail address for you to send your questions. Find a producer or a few producers that you like, and stick with them. Your liner notes will get really confusing if you don't...

My personal favorite...? -- hands down. I've never come across! a beat I didn't like there. They offer both exclusive and non-exclusive beats, and PLENTY of different styles. As for customer service, I've spoken with Drew (the owner) over the phone and through e-mail on multiple occaisions, he's very friendly! He's never charged me extra to change little things around with beats that I bought from him (like structural changes, or adding an extra chorus). He even sends me tracked out versions of the beats in the mail for no extra charge.

Ron Marks is an R&B artist with plenty of experience buying beats online. Ron highly recommends that you Buy beats from hip hop


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Beware of Free Music Download Methods

Music downloads are the number one hottest thing on the internet today! If you have a fast internet connection, you can download music. You can get music downloads onto your cell phone or iPod or just about anywhere you wish.

Music services like give you the option of both MP3 and WMA audio formats for your music downloads. This makes it more compatible for you download a song or even a complete album in the format that is more suitable for you. This is a lot more convenient and cheaper than a music store. The first step obviously is to become a member of a quality music service like They will even give you a free newsletter on the music industry topics of today.

There had recently been a battle between musicians and recording companies with several websites that were offering music downloads illegally. However, since then there has been a dramatic decrease of music piracy. If you still think getting music downloads illegally is ! still the best way to go there are a few things you need to consider. When you get music downloads you are also most definitely downloading viruses, malicious code and spyware onto your computer. In addition, if that happens there goes your music player.

The authorities are still going after anyone who is still downloading music illegally. After all, remember the 12-year-old kid that was sued by the big music companies for downloading and selling copyrighted material? If they go after a child, no one is safe. Absolutely no one! Also, remember that when you get music downloads illegally, you are ripping off the artists and the recording companies as well.

Getting music downloads legally are safe and virus free. No copyright infringements and the artists and recording companies get their share of the revenue, as they should.

No more going to music stores or retail stores fishing through thousands of CD's to find the song you want by the original ar! tist. All you need to do is go to a legal music download webs! ite and download until your heart's content. You can even preview a song or an album before you download it. No being stuck with a lot of songs you don't want just because you wanted the main song on the CD.

With music stores, there is the time constraint issue. Download music any time of the day or day of the week, 24/7 without limits. There are hundreds; maybe even thousands of music downloads services online offering music of all genres. These music genre specific sites offer styles like yoga, Christian, meditation, Rap and country. This type of variety gives you many choices to choose from.

The majority of music download websites require you to become a member and pay a membership fee. There are some websites that require members to pay for each download and others where the member pays weekly or monthly for unlimited downloads.

The legal way is usually the safe way. You can legally download your most wanted music albums to your PC, iPod, Smartphone, C! D or PSP. New technology in the music industry has made it very easy for you to create a complete collection of songs that matter to you the most.

Isaiah Henry is a guru in the music industry; he has written such reviews on Rhapsody review. Go to Any Music Downloads for unlimited download music.


Single Footstep Explanation For Music Note Downloads

Music is a language understood by all and many a times it touches our hearts in a magical ways and causes miracles just by hearing it. The very feel of music brings about various changes in our behavior and thought process and even our very approach to life undergoes a change. When you download free sheet music for Agnus Dei by Amy Grant you actually get to experience a classic example of beautiful gospel and contemporary Christian music that fills your very soul.

Sheet music is a printed music sonata by musicians on unbound sheets of paper. Even today, you must have seen singers and musicians use it while they are playing in front of an audience. Music was used as a form of prayer since the first sheet music was brought into existence around 500 AD. Music used to offer prayers as a group is mostly known as hymns that are set to tune to make them catchy and keep you humming them.

When you download free Sheet Music for Agnus Dei by Amy Grant you will se! e how beautifully two musicians have brought together gospel music and that too along with words so you can sing along too. The two musicians that I am talking to you about are Michael W. Smith who is the composer and is a good singer as well as Agnus Dei�s songwriter, and performer Amy Grant.

If you are someone who is planning on playing a musical piece in front of an audience and are afraid you may forget the words or the tune then sheet music will help you in overcoming such problems.

Talented people with a motivating voice or the ability to play an instrument can easily download free sheet music for Agnus Dei by Amy Grant. The internet is so wonderful that one can easily download free sheet music specifically designed for chorale ensembles, any kind of old music that was once popular and now not heard of or simply for the sheer joy of experiencing gospel music in all it enchanted awe.

Instead of visiting various stores in search o! f the kind of music you are looking for, you can simply get on! the int ernet and you will certainly find a truckload of music and information for free download. You might even bump into various other music that you were not really looking for. You will get a wide variety of gospel music for a free download.

If you have the gift of singing, the internet provides the venue for your talent�s nurturing and gives you an opportunity to use sheet music of all kinds by downloading free sheet music. Free download of sheet music provides us with Christian sheet music, and the opportunity to learn any kind of musical instrument as well be it a guitar, piano or just to learn to sing.

Amy Grant�s voice will keep your attention glued to her songs and through this gift she ensures that her life is not wasted. She uses her purpose in life to make the best she can to touch people�s lives in whichever way she can. So does Michael W. Smith with his beautiful and very meaningful lyrics. So, get searching on the internet f! or free downloads of sheet music for Agnus Dei by Amy Grant.

Isaiah is an expert in the free music downloads industry. Discover contradictions of music downloads sites.


Why is Macintosh Acquisition application the Most Friendly Music Sharing Program

We use a Macintosh computer for music sharing. The application we have come to rely on is called Acquisition. It's a great, user-friendly music sharing program exclusive to the Macintosh platform. It allows you to download and upload concurrently, and provides helpful ratings to ensure that you are sharing with a reliable peer.

Acquisition is highly compatible with ITunes. We have been able to organize and play hours of music for parties by collaborating between Acquisition and ITunes. The combined technology of these two programs is incredible and so easy to use, that even our kids have learned how to search and locate music of their choice.

If we are trying to locate a particularly elusive music file, we also have come to depend on a bit torrent client called Azureus. Azureus is more than a music sharing program however, you can share all sorts of files. However, while Azureus can often allow us to access more obscure titles, Acquisition is still ou! r first choice as a music sharing program due to its ease of use, quicker upload and download times and minimal steps required to acquire music files.

One of the best things about Acquisition is that it can be used free of charge got an extended period of time. You do have to tolerate occasional pesky nag messages, however, this does little to interfere with the overall process, and is a small annoyance when you consider how great a program Acquisition really is.

The other great thing is that almost all files have been pre-verified. That means that most times you will be able to acquire the actual title you have selected. Nasty surprises are very rare. Also, the benefit of working on a Macintosh computer is that the chances of getting an infected file are much lower, since most viruses are created to attack PC computers. Since macs aren't as mainstream, they aren't as plagued with viruses. Just another benefit that we've found with use.

In t! he past, we have tried a few other music sharing programs incl! uding Na pster, Limewire and Kazaa, however since switching our file sharing usage to our Macintosh we have come to rely on Acquisition, as well as, Azureus from time to time. We've found that in order to maximize our download times and access to files, the best thing to do is to enable or allow file sharing amongst peers. Of course, this is not an absolute requirement, but you may be viewed as a 'freeloader' if you only take from other users, but never allow sharing of your files with others.

Another thing to keep in mind, depending on where you live, is that sharing of music files is a grey area. Meaning that there is a lot of controversy over where to draw the line when it comes to copyright infringements. If you want to err on the side of caution, your best bet is to only download music files that you actually own the rights to - in other words, you need to own the album. The only purpose this serves is to give you an MP3 version of a song, rather than only a CD versi! on. Whether this holds value to you or not, is up to you to decide.

Muna wa Wanjiru has been researching and reporting on Internet Marketing for years. For more information on Music Sharing Program, visit his site at Music Sharing Program


Buying Concert Tickets Online

There are several ways to have tickets to continue to believe that her preferred artist or band in concert when they visit your area or city across the country. Some ways include the old way of way to be unemployed according to the ticket office, but some of the best ways on the Internet. The first step is the opening, where and when this happens the event. To find information on the following concerts in several great sources on the Internet and there, and In addition, many bandage, theaters and places of the web site where you can subscribe to a mailing list that leads to its update.

Web site of the major offices, such as Ticketmaster and so they are ready, you can collect and do not forget that the old method of delays to listen to the warnings of his favorite radio station. Many sites have a website on the line where you can sign before receiving notification e-mail the next demonstration. Tickets to stop most of the concerts are in great demand. Most of the demonstrations they sell in a couple of days, and some sell off in the direction of minutes.

So, how do you get the best tickets? If an artist or band has a fan club, said mounting it. Many fan clubs will be carried out before implementation, and will do the tickets for members of the club in the first place. It is not even a grantee will receive the best tickets and you still can not get tickets there. Most of the fan club before the sale of the distribution system they have tickets for any show, as a rule, but one of the 10% of tickets. Radio stations can also sponsor the pre-sales demonstrations.

You again will need to enter in the above information to the Web-site station. Right, as well as to the sale of the fan club only a limited number of tickets available. Many theaters, places, and promoters of the concert is also special clubs that you can gather that the elasticity of your ticket privileges, which they bought before going on sale to the general population. Only a small number of tickets are available again to those members, so it is hardly, as a member of grantee not get tickets.

In addition, these members can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars, in general, more honorable they added additional services in the price of tickets. Another way to get tickets is to buy a ticket at the station. Many theaters and places of selling tickets station. This is the most expensive way to obtain tickets. Tickets from the station can cost $ 5000, $ 10000, $ 12000 or more due to the fact that you are buying the same ticket for each show in this theater. If you have not had luck obtaining tickets to nobodies in the previous way of always selling the general public.

You can find the date of the Club Web-site or a fan of the artist, a web-site theater, a special radio, newspapers and websites, as All remaining tickets are sold or until the bones for radio advertising for the intentions were not realized during the nobodies, will be sold during this sale. You can buy a ticket, usually during the sale of one of three ways. You can buy tickets on line, by phone or plug in the box-office cash. Tickets go on sale in three places at the same time, three tickets sold in the same pool. So what should I do if after all this you still do not have a ticket, because the demonstration was sold to the lack of sales.

Can you still get tickets? Yes, tickets remain available. There are five basic ways to get tickets sold after the demonstration area outside, or to get the best seats. Ticket prices are generally more stops, thanks to free trade, which softened the tickets can be sold at any price they wanted. The price is generally determined by standing arrangements, the number of tickets available and the demand for tickets. One of these methods, visit the Web site as Stubhub ticket that allows fans of the station sell its tickets. Stubhub, add the fee to look at the 10% by purchasing tickets. Ebay is also a lot of tickets, which are offered for sale. These tickets are sold again, those who may wish to ask any price. Most of the tickets are sold at Ebay are sold at auction purchases when the price is determined by the highest bidder. You can also check your local newspapers or websites, classified in accordance. Many of these sections, where possible, the tickets sold. Perhaps a better a! nd more reliable source of tickets in addition to the ticket office is on the ticket.

Mark runners as, and has a great selection of tickets to choose from. Escape from the ticket as well as informed and trained personnel who can attend to him during his purchase of a ticket in order to provide them with the best tickets for their needs. Furthermore, if some problems as to the purchase, they need help, and the grantee, all the tickets that they sell. The worst way to purchase tickets to the event is a ticket scalper on the street next to the theater. There are many problems that buy a ticket this way. One that tickets may falsify or robbed, and did not allow him on the spot. Two, in many cities it is illegal and the man who sells tickets for a possible police internal coating. In any case, you will not be a concert and, perhaps, for the money that you happened to buy tickets. The ticket also states that he buys from Ebay from the ads in ! some of these problems. Tickets can be robbed, falsification or sell tickets box tick faster than the person. Nobodies In these cases you are going to be a lack of demonstration and outside it, where money, not to return because the person who sold tickets for it can not be found.


TicketFront deals in all mega events around the globe. Our online ticket inventory offers best ticket deals for Concerts, Theaters, Sporting events and Las Vegas. We not only provide tickets for all sold-out events but we are your premium source of ticketing and venue information for all upcoming entertainment events. Whether it is a sporting event or a theatrical act, a live musical performance or shows at Las Vegas; we provide you best ticket a href=" /"> http://www.ticketfront.comdeals for each and every event around the globe We hope that you find these limbs and benefits enjoyed by the demonstration!


Loud Horn | Electric Horn | Car Horn | Musical Horn

Wolo Manufacturing Corporation dates back to 1965. Based in the Deer Park, New York., Wolo is the world’s second â€"generation family owned business with 40 years allegiance of providing superior quality products to its customers. From then onwards there was no looking back for Wolo Manufacturing Corporation.
Wolo has accomplished a lot due to its ability and reliability to provide to its customers new accessories as per their requirement through the use of innovative ideas and new technology as well as because of its trustworthiness and toll free technology support. Today Wolo can be seen at the zenith of all companies manufacturing horns in not only New York but the entire U.S.A. It has in no time raced ahead of the market of locomotive and automotive accessories.
Wolo makes available all kinds of accessories ranging from the exceptional musical horns to the excellent loud sirens. Apart from this it offers air horns, car horn, truck horns, electric horns etc.!



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Some Products of Each Category and their prices-:

Wolo Air and Truck Horns:-
Wolo provides different kinds of horns for in this category. To name a few:-
# Cannonball express:-
EV12 [WOLO-837]

# WOBBLER Turkey
Sound Air Horn
Price-$$ 70.00


These air and truck horn provide an ultra powerful sound. The cannon ball requires an on-board air system. The HI/L! O AIR HORN POLISHED CHROME is air powered two tone horn. With ! one swit ch the sound can be changed from Steady Blast to a Euro Emergency Vehicle HI/LO sound.

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Along with these Wolo supplies Musical Horns like the ANIMAL HOUSE Musical Horn which allows the user to adjust the levels from soft to super loud and there is no requirement of any special tool, the kit comes with a control unit, weatherproof speaker and P.A microphone. SIRENS namely Alert Siren which can be easily kept under the dash or on console and the customer can change with a single button the tones of the siren , and The Led Warning Lights for example HAWKEYE and the PRIORITY 3 LED MINI BAR LIGHT which has 216 super bright LED’s for genuine 360° visibility.

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The Many Genres of Christian Music

We all probably know a couple religious hymns, but today's fast-paced society is changing, and so is the style of music we listen to. Christian music has developed tremendously over the last century to represent the changing style of music that we enjoy. Contemporary music offers up-to-date music styles with the same traditional Christian message within the lyrics. In fact, Contemporary Christian music is growing quickly in popularity, and so is the number of subgenres offered to those interested in listening. In this article we discuss a few of the newer genres in Christian music.


Contemporary music literally covers all genres of new age Christian music, but is most commonly associated with a new movement of Christian music that has alternative rock, pop, and country sounds. The contemporary movement began in the 1960s, with this type of music then referred to as Jesus music. Some Christians dispute whether or not the contemporary tones f! it into their religion, but contemporary is a popular genre that gives Protestant listeners an alternative faith-based style of music. The growth of contemporary styles has been strong since the mid 1990s, and newer artists and subgenres help to continue the expansion of Christian music.

Hip Hop

Christian hip hop, or gospel rap, is a unique genre of Christian music. Due to the often sinful nature of mainstream rap lyrics, it has been a tough road for Christian rap artists to gain popularity. However, beginning in the 1990s Christian rap has become popular with the younger generation looking for an uplifting form of music that reflects their urban lifestyle. The most popular innovators among Christian hip hop artists would likely be DC Talk, who took the music scene by storm in the late 1980s before making a switch to a more pop sound in the mid 1990s. Christian hip hop is a fabulous way for Christians to spread their faith to kids from the street and o! ther youth looking for a fresh music genre.

If gospel music does not fill your sole with spirit, then I am not sure what can! Gospel music is uplifting, inspiring, and fun to listen to. When most think of gospel music, churches in the south come to mind. In fact, gospel music has been thought to have started during times of slavery in the late 1800s. The genre of gospel became more defined and gained popularity in the first quarter of the twentieth century, and is now listened to worldwide. Gospel music is known for its strong vocals surrounded by electric guitars, bass, and drums. Gospel music thrives today and is certainly considered a staple of Christian music.

Christian Rock

Christian rock music covers a lot of ground with many different subgenres contained within the rock category. The "sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll" explosion in the 1960s certainly made many Christians wary of jumping into the rock scene, but by the early 1970s Christian rock bands began to separate themselves from a demo! nic image, and instead produced Christian lyrics with rock tones. Today many bands are considered Christian rock artists, some more devoted to the Christian title than others. Although some might not realize this, the band U2 was a catalyst for Christian rock in the 1990s based on their enormous success beginning in the 1980s.

This is hardly a complete list of Christian music genres, but sampling some of these genres will give you a good taste of the great listening Christian music offers. Finding your favorite genre is important and will certainly enhance your experience. Being able to listen to your favorite Christian bands at home or on the go is a relaxing way to worship throughout the day.

article written by Justin Palmer.



Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Is Tupac Still Alive?

Are you still wondering if Tupac Shakur is still alive? If you are like so many other fans you have come to the right place. In this article you will find some of the most shocking theories that have plagued 2pac's death since 1996. I have gathered a pile of information that has been on the internet and I have compiled it into this article. I did this so that you could finally answer the question for yourself and figure out if in fact 2pac is still alive?

After 2pac was released from prison in early 1996 he went to work with Death Row Records. As soon as he stepped of the plane he was in the studio making his debut album "All Eyez on Me." The album went diamond and is one of the top selling hip hop albums of all time. This was a very impressive accomplishment and if you were to listen to this album you would notice some very interesting things.

Let's start with song 13 on the first disc titled "I ain't Mad at Cha." In the music video to this song you w! ill notice that 2pac is actually rapping about his own funeral and even shows 2pac as angel in heaven. This is pretty strange considering the video was released just a few days after he had been pronounced dead on Friday September 13, 1996. Yep you read that correct Friday the 13th, as if this day doesn't have any conspiracies in itself?

Continuing on with the CD if you notice song number 12 on disc 2 there is a song titled "Ain't Hard 2 Find." On this song 2pac says the following "I heard rumors I died, murdered in cold blood, traumatized pictures of me in my final states, you know momma cried, but that was fiction, some coward got the story twisted." Maybe he was predicting the future? The album was released on February 13, 1996 exactly 7 months before he was shot.

The 7 months is pretty interesting also because if you look at the first album released by Makaveli aka 2pac after his death the title is "The Don Killuminati The 7 Day Theory." Tupac had ! changed his name to Makaveli similar to the 16th century philo! sopher M achiavelli who faked his own death. Machiavelli had written a few books but his most famous were "The Prince" and "The Art of War." "The Prince" is a book about faking ones death. The second book "The Art of War" is the same title as Bone Thugs N Harmony's double disc CD. On this album 2pac makes a guest appearance in one of their songs titled "Thug Luv." An interesting point about this album is that it wasn't released until 1998?

Did you know that when 2pac released the album "Better Dayz," he had released more albums then any other living musician with seven. The thing is there have been even more then that since that time. There has been "Loyal to the Game," "Resurrection," and "Pac's Life" just to name a few.

Could Tupac Shakur have faked his own death? Everyone knows when Snoop Dogg was convicted of Murder charges that his album sales went through the roof. Maybe this was just a plan to get richer. Take a look at these lyrics from his song "Made Ni! ggaz," this is what he says: "F*ck em all who don't understand my plot to get richer. Outlaw to the grave, a muthaf*ckin made ni**a I got a plan to get richer. Take my picture."

What do you think?

Read more articles get the latest rap lyrics, music videos, product reviews and much more. Click on one of the links provided:


Put That Guitar Down!

For all the words of encouragement you have ever heard pertaining to picking up the guitar and practicing, either from me or your own sources, this article may come as a bit of a surprise to you. For once I am going to tell you to put the guitar down!

A little confused? Don't be, I'll try to explain. And the best way I can get my point across is by sharing an experience I personally had some time ago.

Back in the 80's, I went to music college in London. I feverishly studied classical guitar for 3 years. Practiced for hours each day. During this time I really developed some good disciplinary skills as far as practice was concerned. I would split up the day. Morning playing Bach fugues or whatever torturous classical guitar piece that had enslaved me at the time. A break for lunch, and in the afternoon I would pick up my electric guitar and plough through violin and flute music, which I'd rented from the music school library, to get my sight-reading tog! ether. Reading jazz and pop music is very different from classical music because phrasing interpretation is relative to the genre being played. So it is as much about listening to the band as it is reading the note values. So I wanted to get that together. Finally I worked on jazz harmony, specifically vocabulary for playing over changes. The Charlie Parker Omnibook was my bible, but I would also listen to be-bop players and steal their phrases and try to figure out how I should work them into my own playing. I remember stealing from Cannonball Adderly, Miles Davis, Mike Brecker, and I fell in love with the swinging styles of pianists Red Garland and Wynton Kelly, both of whom played on Miles Davis' album "Milestones", a record that had a profound effect on me. Just as importantly, I listened to the way these musicians would feel the music. It wasn't just about the notes.

Wynton Kelly in particular had a certain thing about playing over altered chords. He would p! lay 4 note phrases that would be repeated in thirds going down! . Someti mes in whole tones. In fact many jazz guys I knew at the time would make fun of his style a little bit by singing his name as they played those motifs, going "Wyn-ton-Kell-ey-Wyn-ton-Kell-ey" and so on. After I got the hang of his ideas I would find myself sitting at the guitar and working out my own variations of those ideas. Pretty soon I had a whole bag of Wynton style 'tricks".

And then something interesting happened...

I would practice and practice these new motifs and melodic ideas and really try to work them into my playing. Pretty soon I had a pretty broad library of resources I could draw from. And I would practice them over Jamie Abersold records and so on. The woodshedding continued. Over time, I realized that some of those phrases were technically difficult to play on guitar (at least for me) and when I tried to pull them, off half the time I messed up. Other times I managed to pull them off but because I was really having to concentrate, t! he 'technicality' of it all would take me out of the moment and I didn't like it. I wanted to improvise without thinking after all. So some stuff stayed with me, some stuff didn't.

About three years after I left music school I felt completely 'educated out'. I was by no means at the level where I could rest on my laurels. Absolutely not. But I had had enough for the time being. I needed to get out of my little London flat and live life a little. Communicate with people. Maybe learn some social skills! :) I had been locked up in the woodshed for too long. And so I took a break as I slowly joined the professional world of music which, as I soon found out, involved much more than pulling off Wynton Kelly licks! I simply let things go. I went with the flow for a while.

Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't giving up on practice, I was breathing in air, allowing nature to take it's course, that's all. I concentrated on 'playing' rather than practicing. I would d! o gigs around town and simply just play. I stopped worrying ab! out whet her the hip notes were going to come out. I just wanted to play and enjoy playing without competetiveness, whether it was with myself or others on the bandstand.

And a fascinating thing happened. Fascinating! During those three years my guitar playing took on a new life! I improved in leaps and bounds and in ways I couldn't have done had I continued practicing the way I had. Phrases that wanted to remain with me did, phrases that didn't want to didn't, and it was all OK with me. I simply stopped forcing things and allowed nature to take its course. And as far as I can remember, this was the best thing that I could have done at the time to grow as a musician. I even started to get a style of my own because I had stopped trying to force my heroes into my playing.

Now I am happy to say that from that time I have gone through many periods of practicing and letting go, practicing and letting go. Personally I like music to breathe, I don't like it cluttered, ! so if I want the music to breathe I feel it is necessary for me to also. It's as simple as that.

But everyone is on a different path so you must assess whether this pertains to you at this time in your journey or not.

Finally, I do want to point one thing out and I have thought about this a great deal. Jazz musicians can be intense and insular. They can get lost in their own bubble because they spend so much time thinking about music, practicing and so on. This intensity can, and often does, come out in a musician's playing and makes it hard or uncomfortable to listen to. I have always thought that jazz musicians should spend more time socializing with non-musicians to really open themselves up. Opening the mind opens up the soul and the soul is what needs to be bared if we want to really communicate the music.

And I am not saying I am right, by any means. All I know is that putting the guitar down once in a while really worked for me!
Chris Standring is a recording artist and the ow! ner of < a href="">Play Jazz - check out the website for his ground breaking home study guitar courses.


Independent Music Isnt Dead. It's the Only Thing Left.

If you haven't been reading the trades for the last couple of years, you might be saddened to know that the music industry--at least, the music industry as it has been molded over the last 40 years--is crumbling.

The cause of death is a pretty simple one: You and I and everyone we know have been stealing records for almost ten years now, remorselessly and relentlessly. As much as we all hate to listen to Lars Ulrich cry into Bob Rock's silk ascot, it's true. It's illegal, and we've been doing it because we assume that we are justified because our jobs aren't as much fun as emptying Hetfield's dishwasher and flipping mansions for profit. We rationalize our theft by telling ourselves that it's ludicrous that someone should make millions (MILLIONS!) for creating art while we have to roll up our sleeves and wake up for our jobs every day.

We're not exactly right about that, though. The reason Lars, Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Kelly Clarkson a! nd all of those goobers are justified in making millions off their art is the same reason why LeBron James is worth millions for playing a game: If they weren't making millions off of it, their promoters would be making many more millions off of it while the artists lived on Ramen. In short, if Dave Grohl writes a song that a million people want to hear, that fact by itself doesn't justify a million dollar paycheck. But SOMEONE is going to make a million dollars selling that record. It might as well be Dave. If LeBron James averages 74 points a game for a whole season, that's going to lead directly to someone selling a billion hideous Cavs jerseys. Shouldn't LeBron get a piece of that? Shouldn't LeBron get a BIG piece of that?

But obviously, everyone's not satisfied with that explanation. If we were, we wouldn't be burning the hell out of everything we even sort of liked and filesharing all day. The result is that millions and millions of dollars are failing to ! make their way into the music industry.

It's only ! bad news for a few people. Your favorite millionaire activists will still be able to sell records. Kanye and Tom Morello and Gwen S. aren't going anywhere. As long as there's an Us Weekly, they will still sell records and fill the Staples Center, and that's pretty good news for communists and fourth-graders everywhere. Fountains of Wayne are going to have to start sleeping at Days Inn, but they'll still be OK. Their bosses, though, the ones who had a different diamond-encrusted grill for each Wu-Tang album release, who insisted on feting Frances Bean's eighth grade graduation on a hovercraft in the Aegean (I'm making this up; I wasn't invited), who had millions and millions of dollars at their disposal for promotion and production and street teams and advertising and risk-taking, THOSE guys are dying off like the dodo.

What that's going to do is polarize music in a pretty serious way. On one side, there will be a tiny nucleus of megabosses at the labels. Their stables -o! nce full of hundreds of acts that had good songs but no following or who had been working their way up for years- will be cut down to only the very biggest sellers. That part of the industry will always be there.

On the other side will be everyone else. They call this "leveling the playing field."

So while you won't ever get that bazillion-dollar record deal that would set you up for life, pretty much no one else will either. Which will mean that everyone will have a much better chance of being appreciated for their work and merit rather than their valuable connections and/or label support.

Now, I want you to take a deep breath and say this out loud: "I am not in this for the money."

If that statement made you cringe, if you gagged a little bit at the thought that you were never going to live on the expensive side of Mullholland Drive, then I strongly urge you to go back to school and get an MBA and possibly your Series 7. The! re are a lot of great ways to make money, and music isn't one ! of them (it never really was anyway).

If it was easy for you to admit this, then the death of the music industry just made your life a lot easier. Now that files are shareable and the internet is wide open, you will have an easier time being heard than anyone who ever came before you.

Now that there is no way to protect data, the only way to real financial success in music will be live shows, the experience of which can't be replicated in e-file. In order to get those live shows happening, you've gotta get people listening to your stuff. In order to get people to listen to your're gonna have to give it away for free.

Save up your money. Make a demo. Recording software is cheaper than ever. Then, by god, burn it onto CDs, post it free on the internet (Harvey Danger staged a relatively huge comeback doing this very thing), and ask every person you know to listen to it and pass it on. If you are worried about making $10 off your CD, then ! you're looking at things too narrowly (or you should be the president of TVT). If you're working at having a legacy and possibly getting booked at the big venues, then you need listeners.

These days, when you book a show, promoters rarely ask for your website anymore. Instead, they want your MySpace address. The reason for this is simple: MySpace shows the number of fans, listeners, and daily traffic you have. That's critical information for someone to have when they feast or starve based on the number of people who come through the door. The more people you can get to listen to your music--and again, it's never been easier--the better shot you have at leaving a mark on the music world and maybe making enough of a buck to quit Jiffy Lube.

The playing field has changed. In the next decade, the live venue will be the scoreboard that determines success, and the major money maker for musicians everywhere. The major label deal is trundling out like a Stude! baker. Record sales are only for people whose fanbases can't o! perate L imewire (my parents, for instance, just love Josh Groban, and he makes a killing at Sam Goody). With less money for labels to cram music down people's throats, the internet is wide open for you to shout your message to everyone. It's all up to you. Put your music out for free. Get listeners. Get a buzz. Book the shows. Draw the followers. This is the new success, and it is within your reach.



Arguable Lyric Poems that Curled Attention and Literary Criticism

Umpteen songs just couldn’t help but be Polemical. Whether these songs and their Lyric Poems were meant to be Polemical or not, they didst to pull tending and Criticism due to their challenging subject matter, face-to-face hurt, or purportedly vicious aims. The Criticism it Drew In reminded the real regimes to violence the record companies to alter sure parts of the Words in order to foreclose further complaints.

A recent good example of this is Britney Spears’ “If You Seek Amy.” When one reads the Lyrics nearly, the supposedly rank content isn’t discernible. Find how the idiomatic expression “if you seek Amy” was infixed into the Lyrics: “But all of the boys and all of the girls are soliciting to if you seek Amy.” The Lyrics do not make sensation; but one can decrypt its real meaning if the formulate was appraised phonetically. Of course, many raises and worries somebodies have accounted the Lyr! ics of this song, particularly since it received serious airplay during its release. The citizenry behind the album have expressed their aims to change the Lyric Poems to “If you see Amy,” at least for the wireless.

Other vocal Lyric Poems are not as traitorous in terms of invisible substances and quizzical pun, but they incurred Critique and attending due to their design. vocals that aim to criticise the authorities or any form of full power tend to have this form of tendingâ€"particularly during the previous years. Penned by Bob Dylan, this song has Words that openly pick apart the Vietnam Warfare during the 1960s and, in turn, the regime. The Lyrics urge souls to squeeze peace rather than war, with the Words calling for that “the result, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.” This part of the Lyric Poems is unstructured and unclear â€"and it has a number of readings. It’s either the suffice, like the wind, is easy to hold since it is transparent and r! ank; or, like the wind, it is elusive.

A remote loo! k at the vocals from the 70s and the 80s would point how a number of their Lyric Poems supposedly address sex, doses, and other studies that were seen prohibited then and are still took taboo now by sure spheres. An model of this is Cyndi Lauper’s “She Bop,” a song that supposedly relates to self-sexual stimulant. “They say I better stopâ€"or I’ll go blind” in the Lyrics of the song show that this reading can be accurate.

Of course, there are Controversial songs that do not unavoidable have supposedly poisonous Lyrics. Sometimes, they get Moot because of the animal nature of the song and the revelations carried in the Lyrics. An example of this is Taylor Swift’s “Forever and Always.” The song is apparently a break up song, with its Lyric Poems have-to doe with to her break up with fellow singer Joe Jonas. Consensual to news reports topical in the entertainment pressings, Jonas broke up with Swift over the phone, in a conversation that subsisted less tha! n a minute. The Words of “Forever and Always” slightly touch on that story, although it Appealed more tending because of the fateful and lyric nature of the vocal.

The Author writes on topics of Lyrics, songs lyrics and music lyrics.Hope you enjoy this article. For more information on lyrics visit


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Author was born in the Netherlands. At age 18 started free lance writing for various news agencies. Was stuck in Kosovo during the war. Now writes website ! reviews for several review site and Wermp3.Com is one of them. provides all types of music to the public for a fraction of the cost you normally pay.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lyrics that Promote âRespectâ

A song can be an effective tool to spread an advocacy. And promoting an advocacy through songs is easy tooâ€"people are often attracted to music and lyrics, especially if a big name artist is attached to a particular song. Many songsâ€"present and pastâ€"tried to advocate certain issues by making people understand the rationale behind a particular cause through music and lyrics.

For instance, there are a number of songs that try to advocate respect. Of course, advocating respect may seem as important as advocating other more pressing issues, such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, international tragedies, among other. Yet, looking at these issues, one can clearly see that respect is part of these causes. In order to fully support a cause, one needs to respect the differences that are present within different cultures and beliefs. The most obvious song that fits this description is Aretha Franklin’s “Respect.”

The lyrics of the song would seem to be pertainin! g to a particular domestic issue rather than advocating “respect.” Nonetheless, the lyrics hit on the root cause of it all. Respect is a universal concept, after all. The song implies that “respect” is giving someone his or her dues, especially if the person truly deserves it. The lyrics go: “I'm about to give you all of my money / And all I'm askin' in return, honey / Is to give me my profits.”

Meanwhile, European singer Mika often tackles topics that can be considered as taboo in other cultures. Although the lyrics of his songs do not exactly “advocate” these causes, the fact that he performed them, and the fact that the lyrics touched on these topics should be indications that Mika promotes respect more than what the lyrics of his songs show.

An example of this is his popular song “Hey Girl (You Are Beautiful).” The lyrics of this song state that plus-sized woman deserve more love than the typical skinny female. “You take your ! girl / And multiply her by four / Now a whole lot of woman / N! eeds a w hole lot more,” Mika sings. And the lyrics of this song (which was altered and used as a promotional song for the second season of the ABC show Ugly Betty) is personal for Mikaâ€"in a n interview, Mika reveals that he saw how his mother, who was overweight, experienced discrimination because of her size.

Another Mika by Mika that could be considered as somewhat controversial is “Billy Brown.” The lyrics of this song go: “Oh Billy Brown had lived an ordinary life. / Two kids, a dog, and a precautionary wife. / While it was all going accordingly to plan / Then Billy Brown fell in love with another man.” A song about homosexuality, the lyrics of “Billy Brown” seems more like a straight narrative than a typical song.

Again, many suspect that this is because Mika is gayâ€"something he neither denies nor confirms. But in any case, by writing lyrics that tackle these issues, these artists help people understand them. After all, nothing can catc! h the attention of people better than a catchy tune and witty lyrics.

To see more britney spears lyrics on this topic, see Burbler and its broken lyrics.


Be a Part of Metallica and Depeche Mode Tours

Hence, music becomes their only religion, their one passion, which makes them forget everything in the world. Hence, the people who create beautiful music are recipients of much adulation. People make them their gods and they have a big fan following.

Who haven’t heard of Depeche Mode? They have become a legend in themselves. This music band is riding a new wave of popularity. They are the current favorites in the music world both in America and in Europe. They have delighted the music lovers with their outstanding musical compositions and performances. Their soundtracks are available in all the leading music stores. Depeche Mode has made a distinct place in the music industry with their industrial songs that are basically dark in nature. They have to their credit a number of hits single. Their albums have become a rage the world over and are an instant sold out. People remember them for songs such as “Just can’t get enough” and “Enjoy the silence”. ! The tickets for their concerts are much in demand and are therefore released quite well in advance.

Metallica is another musical band that is giving competition to Depeche Mode. They have been in the music industry since the past two decades and have a number of hits to their credits. They have chosen the name “Metallica” for their band that is the symbolic epic and intelligence metal. Hence, the Metallica band is a heavy metal band. They delight in shocking and entertaining their fans and produce a number of memorable music every year. Their latest sold out album is “Death Magnetic”. They also roam about the continents taking part in a number of concerts and their fans wait with bated breath for this band to come to their town.

Now the wait is going to be over. Both these music bands are going on a tour next year to delight their fans with some live performances. Metallica generally perform for about two hours while Depeche Mode performs for d! uration of ninety minutes. Their concerts are mind-blowing exp! eriences with great stages and soul touching recitals. These concerts are memorable experiences and nobody is left untouched by them.

The fans of Depeche Mode and Metallica are so much crazy for a glimpse of their idols that sometimes they travel to a nearby town just to take part in these tours. People throng these concerts to watch their idols live in action. The heavenly stage and mind-blowing music pull the people like magnets to the concert grounds. One can completely drown oneself in their heavenly music and come out asking for more.

To know more about Metallica’s and Depeche Mode’s tours next year one can log in to their official website. The websites of these music groups have listed the dates and the venues of their bands’ performances so all you have to do is check the date when these music bands will be performing in your town and book your ticket accordingly. They have released their tickets through various mediums, Internet being the most f! avored one. Hence, one can buy the tickets for their shows very much in advance. These tickets are very much safe and you can get them completely hassle free and from the comfort of your home. So, be a part of your idol’s concert and enjoy the music to your fill.

Ivaylo Yordanov is the author and can provide you with additional information about European concerts, festivals and other music events. Also, more information is available at Depeche Mode Cheap Tickets Metallica Cheap Tickets


Free Music Hurts Music Giants

The world of high technology and endless innovations made its way to music consumers from all over the world. This definitely opened new ways in enjoying music, whether it is through legal ways or the other way around. With the bad smell of piracy spreading the stink globally, its time for music companies to fight against it, in order to save the music business today.

Music giants are once again at odds with the consumer electronic manufacturers. This time, it is very much related to piracyâ€"the controversy over specific information technology products that enables consumers to copy digital music and transfer them into different formats, or exchange them over the Internet. This has been going on ever since people knew about it, and this alone greatly affects the music business today.

Over the last few years, the music industry has fed the media statistics about piracy, or the act of copying digital music content to a blank CD, or uploading or download! ing it from the Internet. According to articles, an estimated 3.6 billion songs are illegally downloaded each month in the US. In 1999, the music industry estimated that one in four CDs of new music was actually an unauthorized copy. By end of 2001, it was estimated that as many CDs were burned and copied as were bought. Since 1999, CD burner ownership has nearly tripled. This trend is attributable to the slow economy, among many other factors. However, the music business today seems to believe that the culprit in this trend is the rise of digital musicâ€"free online sharing, and the growing number of CD burners.

For self-defense, big music record companies are developing technology for anti-piracy, to protect their copyrighted music against the information technology’s movement towards user-friendly digital software and hardware. Few of the biggest music labels are experimenting on anti-piracy technologies designed to fight the online file sharing. Both Sony a! nd BMG have already implemented copy-protection systems, which! prevent s their CDs from being played on any device that is not a simple CD player. Another music label is also licensing another anti-piracy technology, where it prevents consumers from reformatting songs into MP3 format files and burning copies, or making them available for file sharing systems. This anti-piracy technology called Cactus will prevent music from playing on the Playstation 2, a number of car stereos and DVD players, even on PCs, and also disables stand alone CD burners.

There will come a point where progress may feel more like loss than gain, especially when a technology that an industry has developed becomes outdated. While this may seem frustrating, the proper solution is not to hinder progress; instead, adapt accordingly. Both the congress and the music industry giants should make necessary changes in the legislation to make it more effective for the next generation.

Music Business in a Box is a music business resource that help! s you everything you need to get your music career started. Music Business in a Box offers music business handbook and career guide from popular music authors like Doc Holliday, L.T Hutton and Ron Berkowitz, music course, music techniques, music teaching tips and more. Call 888-463-1479 or 888-470-6599


Kenny G At Last... The Duets Album Smooth Jazz Music CD Review

The extremely talented Smooth Jazz artist Kenny G has released him latest CD on the Arista Records recording label, entitled At Last... The Duets Album.

I wish it weren’t the case but, it’s not everyday that I get a CD from an artist that I can just pop in and comfortably listen to from beginning to end. There is usually a song or two that I just can’t force myself to get through. Not at all the case with At Last... The Duets Album. Every track is enjoyable and was pretty easy for me to listen to from start to finish.

The nice thing about a CD like this is when the talent is this rich even if Smooth Jazz isn’t your favorite genre you still can’t help but appreciate the greatness of the artist.

At Last... The Duets Album is a first rate CD, delivering a little something for everyone. I give it two thumbs up. It’s quite simply great listening. A must buy for the Smooth Jazz fan.

While the entire CD is really very good some of my favorit! es are (Everything I Do) I Do It For You, track 3 - I Believe I Can Fly, and track 7 - Baby Come To Me

My SmoothLee Bonus Pick, and the one that got Sore [ in "Stuck On REpeat"] is track 11 - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word. Good stuff!

At Last... The Duets Album Release Notes:

Kenny G originally released At Last... The Duets Album on Nov 23, 2004 on the Arista Records label.

CD Track List Follows:

1. (Everything I Do) I Do It For You - (featuring LeAnn Rimes) 2. At Last - (featuring Arturo Sandoval) 3. I Believe I Can Fly - (featuring Yolanda Adams) 4. Careless Whisper - (featuring Brian McKnight) 5. Beautiful - (featuring Chaka Khan) 6. Pick Up The Pieces - (featuring David Sanborn) 7. Baby Come To Me - (featuring Daryl Hall) 8. Misty - (featuring Gladys Knight) 9. Don't Know Why - (featuring David Benoit) 10. Way You Move, The - (featuring Earth, Wind & Fire) 11. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word - (featuring Richard Marx) 12. ! Alfie - (featuring Burt Bacharach) 13. Music That Makes Me Dan! ce, The - (featuring Barbra Streisand)

Personnel: Kenny G (saxophone); Daryl Hall, LeAnn Rimes, Richard Marx, Yolanda Adams, Gladys Knight, Barbra Streisand, Brian McNight, Chaka Khan (vocals); Mike Landau (electric guitar); David Sanborn (saxophone); Arturo Sandoval (trumpet); Walter Afanasieff (piano, programming); David Benoit, Burt Bacharach (piano); Greg Phillinganes (Fender Rhodes piano); Nathan East (bass instrument); Abe Laboriel Jr., Vinnie Colaiuta (drums); Emanuel Kiriakou (programming); Dorian Holley, Tracy Nelson, Barbara Wilson, Conesha Mone't, Namiah Wilson, Mabvuto Carpenter (background vocals); Earth, Wind & Fire. Recording information: Chalice Studios, Los Angeles, California; Blakeslee Recording Company, No. Hollywood, CA; Studio G. Los Angeles, California.

Clyde Lee Dennis does music reviews for Los Angeles Smooth Jazz Radio and also contributes to the stations news websit! e Los Angeles eNewsBriefs where you'll find the latest news and information on Los Angeles city traffic conditions


Kenny Lattimore From The Soul Of Man CD Review

Very talented Pop artist Kenny Lattimore has released his latest CD titled From The Soul Of Man and Wow! It's good.

It's a rare day indeed that I get a CD from an artist that I can truthfully say does not have a bad track in the bunch. I'm more than happy to announce that’s exactly what I must say about this one. There simply isn’t a bad one in the bunch. No fillers here at all, with each song standing tall on it's own.

From The Soul Of Man is a pleasantly varied, mix of 14 tracks that are very well written songs by this clearly talented artist. With many of the songs displaying a lot of the kind emotion that makes for a really great listen. Seemingly drawing from what I can only imagine are personal experiences. At different points touching on the most real emotions of love, and the pain of failed relationships can certainly be heard.

Overall From The Soul Of Man is a solid release. Quite possibly Kenny Lattimore's best to date. Really sensational ! from beginning to end. If you're even mildly into Pop music you'll enjoy this album.

While the entire album is really very good some of my favorites are If I Lose My Woman - track 3, Just Can't Get Over You - track 5, and All My Tomorrows - track 11.

My SmoothLee Bonus Pick, and the one that got Sore [ in "Stuck On REpeat"] is track 1, Days Like This. Good stuff!

From The Soul Of Man Release Notes:

Kenny Lattimore originally released From The Soul Of Man on Oct 20, 1998 on the Columbia label.

CD Track List Follows:

1. Days Like This 2. Trial Separation 3. If I Lose My Woman 4. Make Believe 5. Just Can't Get Over You 6. I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know 7. Destiny 8. Tomorrow 9. While My Guitar Gently Weeps 10. Heaven And Earth 11. All My Tomorrows 12. Interlude: Introspective Mood 13. Well Done 14. Love Will Find A Way - (hidden track, from "The Lion King II: Simba's Pride", with Heather Headley)

Personnel includes:! Kenny Lattimore, Heather Headley (vocals); Vidal Davis, Andre! Harris, Kenny Lerum (various instruments); Philip Hamilton, Tim Motzer, Sonny Lallerstedt, Dean Parks (guitar); Pat Alken, Susan Chatman, Eddie Stein, Mari Tsumari, John Scanton, Matt Funes, Lynn Grants, Ron Strauss, Stefanie Fita, Maurice Grants, Paula Hochhaiter, Marlo DeLeon, Ruth Johnson, Brian Leonard, Joy Lyle, Mike Markman, Horla Moroaica, Eve Sprecher (strings); Pat MacClain (piano, bass); Frank McComb (Fender Rhodes, organ, background vocals); Azel Dixon (Hammond organ); Guy Roche (keyboards, synthesizer); Daryl Simmons, Barry J. Eastmond (keyboards, drum programming); Brian Moore (drums). Producers include: Kenny Lattimore, Kipper Jones, Daryl Simmons, Barry J. Eastmond, Jeff Townes. Engineers include: Vidal Davis, Thom "K" Kidd, Barry J. Eastmond.

Clyde Lee Dennis a life long music enthusiast, writes CD reviews and is also
the Food Editor at covering topics like Oklahoma
City Restaurants
and more. Visit OklahomaCity
for the latest Oklahoma
City News


Cashing In on Hip Hop

The last few years were not a good time for the music industry in terms of album sales. No genre has taken this harder than hip hop, which dropped 44 percent in sales since 2000 and accounted for a mere 10 percent of the total music sales. Despite this, the cash still kept coming in for the hip hop moguls who went beyond being rappers and became big-time entrepreneurs.

In the Forbes' list of hip hop cash kings, the top earners were artists who didn't just produce albums and go on concert tours; they were head honchos of multi-million empires which were banked on the entire hip hop and pop culture. These personalities put their stamp on everything, from sneakers to vitamin water, so much so that were already brands in themselves.

The current top earner in the hip hop industry is Def Jam Recordings CEO Shawn Carter, better known as Jay-Z. After a supposed retirement in 2003, the rapper staged a recording comeback three years later with his 11th studio a! lbum Kingdom Come. The album fared well with 680,000 copies sold on its first week, topping the US Billboard chart.

Album sales are nothing but a small fraction of Jay-Z's wealth though. In March 2007, the rapper earned $204 million, before taxes, in the sale of his clothing brand Rocawear to the Iconix Brand Group. He will still manage the marketing, licensing, and product development of the label and will pocket another $35 million if the brand performs well for the next three to five years.

The business-savvy rapper also co-owns the franchise of 40/40 Club, an upscale sports bar, as well as a small stake in the NBA team New Jersey Nets. In October 2006, he was named co-brand director for Budweiser Select after his single was featured in an Anheuser Busch ad. He also earns about $13 million annually for the distribution of the Scottish vodka Armadale. His income for 2006 was estimated at $34 million. All in all, Jay-Z's wealth as of 2007 amounted to ! $547 million dollars.

Sean Combs, now known simply ! as Diddy after a series of name changes, is the second wealthiest hip hop entertainer although he placed third in the Forbes list of top hip hop earners for 2006. With an estimated net worth of $358 million, Diddy rules over an empire consisting of the record label Bad Boy Records, the Sean John clothing line, the Unforgivable cologne, and two restaurants called Justin's. Forbes placed his earnings for 2006 at $28 million.

Another hip hop millionaire worth an estimated $200 million is 50 Cent. His G-Unit includes a clothing company, a sneakers brand, video games, and a line of fiction. He also owned 10 percent of Glaceau, a line of beverages. When Coca Cola purchased the brand for $4.1 billion, 50 Cent reportedly got $100 million (before taxes). The rapper also owns a condom line and is involved in a number of films. He landed on the number two spot of the Forbes list with a 2006 income of $32 million.

Time magazine once branded hip hop as capitalism with a bea! t. If so, then these rhyming millionaires are at the helm of it.

Kristien Wilkinson is an online writer and contributor to
